Thursday, December 11, 2014

Ok... so meeting the girls

Where we left off the group was being attacked by a Gaint Fiendish Cobra. Know that fake deity that the head kobold was worshiping? The one that Gram summoned? Yea... Same thing but real.


Now the group not only has their normal set up, but they also have a very accomplished rouge (the girl) and two dire rats!!!

Ok. Now only one dire rat. Little Eddy... Uh... Well he was very enthusiastic. 

Yea little Eddy got eaten. He was very brave and charged in to kill the snake, in service if his new master who rescued him from a horrible life circumstance. But saddly the little guy just wasn't fast enough. Take comfort in that he died quickly. 

Now everyone one is MAADDDDDDDD. 

Frankly I feel sad for the snake. 
The whole group goes to work, hitting that snake with everything they got. Funny enough, Big Eddy gets some REALLY good hits. Go rat!
So fairly basic battle. Gram gets knocked out I'm sure. I think Qila also gets hit pretty bad. But they keep going and eventually take down the giant snake. Which is awesome. (Sorry. I really don't remember how this battle went. -10 points.)
Once dead, the snake sort of... Deflates. And what's left is the cobra from before, also dead. Gram, always looking for ingredients or getting knocked out, decideds to grab one of the snake fangs. Ornak also grabs one which comes in handy later ;). 
So the snake is dead. The girl is saved. The kobolds have been swept under the proverbial rug. Good job team Alpha Wolf  Squadron! (New name? I think yes.) 
So the girl, whose name is Charity, decides she'd better explain herself... But before she did she wanted to take them to her home so they could understand better. So she leads them back through the sewers down one of the paths they didn't take and eventually make it to a deep chasm in the sewer floor. It's way to far across to jump and climb. But, they all see Charity push one of the stones on the wall, and it lowered a sort of platform for them to walk across. When on the other side, she raises the platform. 
A few seconds later she was at the castle. (No saddly... Not really a castle. It's actually just a large empty room made into a makeshift house. In the corner were two more girls, younger than Charity. 
They are her sisters. 
She introduces them as Hope and Grace, and then explains... That Grace is very sick. :( 
She has a rare disease that is expensive to cure. Charity had been stealing things to save up money... But didn't have nearly enough. What she did have was saved in a small metal box that she had enchanted to teleport people away from it. 
O_O oops. 

The decide to return the money (much to the displeasure if Gram) but end up keeping the ring cause it's awesome. 

Now I'm sure you're wondering what the girl has that is so horrible. It's a rare blood disease. Stickittodamonneosis. Never heard of it? You're lucky. Cause it's hell. 

So what is it that will cure the girl? Well it is rumored that there is a statutet that if you pray to it will cute anything you have, but then crumble to dust. (Opps 2: We should have saved the statue.) 

So the group decide to help out. What else can cure the disease. Feather from a great white owl. 
Ok... Not THAT white owl. I said great. As in big. Not great as in epic... Though I guess both apply. But I digress...

So it turns out, Charity is a highly skilled rouge (mentioned above), Hope is a skilled Mechanist (she made the wall thingy) and Grace is showing signs of being a Psionic (psychic). Charity offers to go with and help get the feather. Hope makes the snake fang Ornak took into a snake fang javelin. And Grace... Cute little Grace... Walks up to Qila and asks "please... I want to go with you on adventures too. *cough cough*"

After some though they decided that was a bad idea. But the couldn't just leave them in the sewer. 

They all talk about it and agree that they need to take the girls topside. They head back through the sewers and make it out. Now to an inn to get the girls a room and even managed to find a small mechanist shop for the second girl to work it :) awesome! 

Now to find that feather.... 
Now Gram, while tiny and weaker than Percy Weasleys swag game, is well versed in the ways of charisma. And he's fairly attractive, as said before. So he decideds to head to some of the apothecaries in order to procure said great white owl feather. 

This is what happens:

Ornak: yo! What's up playa? I be needin dem great white owl leafs, if you know what I be sayin? They dope for supa swag, amiright? #yoloswagins #fellowshipofthebling

Shopkeeper: eh?

Ornak: I would like to procure of the feather belonging to the great white owl, my good sir. 

Shopkeeper: ha! Want some dragons teeth too? Or maybe my firstborn? 

Ornak: I don't appreciate the snark. 
A few shops later Gram fondly finds out that there are NO owl feathers in town BUT they can retrieve them from a mountain nearby. 


The group gathers together and start talking about how to get out.

(And don't suggest a giant slide, or a trampoline... Cause we already tried those...)

That's when Charity pipes up and tells then she knows how to get them out! Through the sewers... Again. 

The group sets out, taking Charity with them as she's sneaky and awesome. She leads them through the sewer to a new room. She walks across no problem, however, the rest of the group nearly gets eaten. 

I give you!!!! The giant fiendish crocodile!!! (Totally crocodiles in the sewer... Not alligators.) 

There is no way they are going to beat this thing... Lucky! Tis' asleep. So they should be able to sneak past pretty easily... 
Except one problem. Gram.
He is about as sneaky and a fat guy at a Buffett. 

So here's the plan... Throw him. 

Ornak makes it across. Readies himself. He is SOOOOOOO ready. 

Vaylan is gonna trow him aaaaannnnddd... Gram wiggles away and runs across. Thankfully he didn't wake up the crocodile... Lame. 

So they are all across and head to the surface!!! What adventures will they encounter next? Join us next time on Pokemon! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Ok... So chasing Charity

We last left off with the small girl  that the team was chasing falling from a wall she had attempted to scale, which also happened to be in a room filled with kobolds (chihuahua dragons) who are doing some sort of ritual. After a quick thinking session, the group decides to charge in and save the girl!

Before they do, they decide to figure out what the ritual is. It turns out that they are trying to summon their snake deity, Ouroboros... And that gives the wizard a GREAT idea. He is going to cast a Silent image of their deity in order to fool them into thinking their ritual worked. All five of the kobolds stop to look at the deity... and three of them (including the really big one who was in the center of the alter) drop to their knees and start worshiping the image. And they worship it HARD. The other two are still heading toward the little girl who fell.

So the team charges in.

(Sadly, I'm a little fuzzy on how all this worked out.)

 I can tell you that at some point the two kobolds grab the girl and start running for a door on the right side of the room. The are slow going since they have to carry a kicking screaming girl. Qila rushes over to help, ends up beating someone up along the way. Ornak goes to work on the kobold Priest who was STILL worshiping the fake deity WHILE being poked repeatedly with javelins. Vaylan (His name is spelled with a "Y". I was informed last night...)  takes out another kobold and then goes toe to... I don't know what to put here... not toe... snakes don't have toes... toe to underbelly? toe to fang? I don't know... He starts fighting the snake that was with the priest on his own. Lastly Gram does something to sneak around and kill another kobold that had run for the other door, but somehow got knocked out.

So, before the priest snaps out of it, Ornak skewers him nice and pretty (which is sad... dude didn't even get to use any of his awesome spells to try and kill any of them.) Qila chases the other kobolds (the ones carrying the girl) to the other door. Those kobolds knock out Gram AGAIN after he was revived. Vaylan is still fighting the snake, which keeps dodging his attacks, so it's not dead yet.

That is when the preist finally breaks from the spell and turns to attack, only to be killed instantly. (Sadly don'y recall who actually did the killing but I'm 90% sure it was Ornak).

That's when the snake STOPPED attacking. Weird right? It just says "Nah man... I'm cool for now. I'm just gonna do snake things and slither on over to the alter and take a nap, aight?" (Disclaimer: snake doesn't actually say this.)

Vaylan a a little befuddled but hey, it's just a snake. They're weird dudes. So he rushes over to help Qila save the little girl. And completely obliterates one of the Kobolds carting her towards the door. But the other one just keeps on trucking, dragging the girl along, and makes it through the door. Now all the adventurers are after them.
This is what the group did

They chase the last kobold into the hall and see him still dragging the little girl along. He is also moving surprisingly quick for someone who is dragging a kicking and screaming little girl down a hallway.  He makes it to the end of the hall and turns left through a door, Vaylan right behind him. 
When he enters the door the kobold just rushed through he sees something that is... well a tad disturbing. 

It's not the blood thirsty Kobold holding a dagger to the girls throat. It's not the desperate and terrified look in the girls eyes. 

It IS the fact that there is a huge mound of rotting, half eaten corpses on the other side of the room.  Bodies stolen from the battle field (4 Winds is in the middle of a huge battle right now, remember) and used as the Kobold's food source. 

The Kobold, feeling cornered, and also being about as smart as the knife he's holding, decides his best chance is to charge the giant bear-thing holding the giant sword. Excellent! 

He dies. 
And the girl is saved!!! WAAAAAAAAA! (that is the sound of excitement and victory)  

Now comes the BIG question:
What are they gonna do about the girl? She did cause them a lot of trouble today. She stole the totem, the lead them into the sewer WHERE the half-ork got filth fever, the halfling projectile vomited and got her leg stuck, the wizard got knocked out a LOT, and I'm sure the werebear was mildly uncomfortable too.
So what to do? Now, Ornak is a half-ork. Which means he is from a slightly barbaric race. Maybe the thought crossed his mind, "Hey... she doesn't really NEED to live."
But I doubt it, he's a good guy. And besides, right at that moment the girl runs up to all of them to give them hugs for saving her.

So she's fine.
Now the group doesn't want to go back the way they came so they decide to take a door to the left. When they enter, it is OBVIOUS that this damp, musty room is the nesting room for the kobold's. They start searching around cause hey, there might be some cook stuff amongst the matted straw and gnawed on bones.
They do find some cool stuff. One of which is a scroll that says "Zodiac" on it, but they can't translate it anymore than that.

They also find two more dire rats!!!!!!One is normal size and one is BIG (bigger than the halfling big), but these ones are chained to the wall as guard... rats? Yea. Guard rats. (Background: the idea was these rats were going to break out of their chains when the adventurers weren't paying attention and attack.)

But that was BEFORE Vaylan decided to make them his pets... He walks over, unchains them, and they are INSTANTLY best friends. And then, LIGHT BULB MOMENT! Give the big one to halfing to ride around so she can keep up because she has tiny legs.

So now the halfing has a steed... named Big Eddy (the little one is called Little Eddy.)

Now the group notices that  there isn't anywhere else to go from that room, meaning they will have to go through the ritual chamber in order to make it back to the main sewer in order to get out.


When they enter the ritual chamber, they know pretty quick that something is wrong. Namely, a large purple pillar of light shooting upward from the alter, with the snake from earlier slowly growing in size. (Yea, that epic snake deicded "Know what? I'm gonna complete the ritual by MY SELF! I don't need no kobold! I am a strong independant reptile, and I'll do what I want!" *head wobble*)

So now... there is a giant snake in the center of the room, and the only way to get out is through it.